LECO Africa moisture posts (Page 1 of 2)

Revising the Standards: Volatile Matter in Coal and Biofuels

Coal and other biofuels are no different from every other substance that can be bought and sold: the quality of the material plays a huge role in the determination of the price. With coal and other solid fuels, the amount of volatile matter is the main factor in quality, as this determines the burning rates of the fuel. While the volatile matter value does rely on the type of fuel and moisture content of said fuel being tested, it also varies based on the heating rates used in the tests to determine the value.

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Topics: Standards, TGA801, Organic, Moisture, Analytical, Thermogravimetric Analysis

Slice Time off your Meat Moisture Analyses with the TGM800

As with all foodstuffs for human consumption, meat is highly regulated. Determining its makeup is essential to confirming a safe product. The faster regulatory analyses can be performed, the quicker you can confirm the quality of your product and maintain production speed.

Determining the moisture content of meat is one such analysis that helps identify the quality and safety of the meat in question. Moisture content can control the texture, taste, and microbial stability of the meat. It also determines the level of retained water, additive solutions for flavoring, and the leanness of meat.

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Topics: Thermogravimetric Analysis, TGM800, Organic, Moisture

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